Brian McHugh

Brian McHugh serves as both SVP for External Affairs and as Chief of Staff to ManTech’s President and CEO, Matt Tait. 

Mr. McHugh joined ManTech in 2013 to spearhead the company’s Special Programs, Program Development and Risk Management efforts. He leverages his foreign policy experience to develop and implement national security programs that align with ManTech’s customers’ missions and resources. He serves as an adviser to ManTech’s Board of Directors and executive management team on risk mitigations for worldwide operations.

Mr. McHugh has 28 years of experience serving the nation’s intelligence community, including a distinguished 28-year career with the CIA and National Security Agency. He served as chief of station in various Middle Eastern and East European locations and managed several multimillion dollar and multiagency programs focused on countering international terrorism, weapons proliferation, counterintelligence and cyber threats directed against the United States. Those programs, which received heavy Congressional oversight, allowed Mr. McHugh to develop relationships with foreign partner governments, senior U.S. military commanders and policymakers. He also gained extensive expertise in the Middle East, South Asia, Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Mr. McHugh also served as the associate executive assistant director (AEAD) of the National Security Branch at the FBI, responsible for counterterrorism, counterintelligence, weapons of mass destruction and cybersecurity efforts. Mr. McHugh has supervised various domestic and international operations focused on bringing terrorists to justice and preventing acts of terror against U.S. citizens. He has received several senior career Intelligence awards as a result of his efforts.

He earned a Bachelor of Science in international relations and Soviet & East European studies from the University of Illinois, and earned graduate certificates from the University of Ankara, University of Virginia/Darden School of Business, George Washington University, and Northwestern University/Kellogg School of Business. He is leading ManTech’s Community Services program, and is dedicated to providing care for troops, veterans and their families.

"We are blessed to have the best security tools at our disposal. Yet, it is people — many of whom work tirelessly around the clock — who keep us safe. I am honored that I have worked with some of the most patriotic Americans in the business, and I continue to do so in my current position at ManTech."
Brian McHugh


Mr. McHugh has 30+ years of experience serving the nation’s intelligence community, including a distinguished 28-year career with the CIA and National Security Agency. He served as chief of station in various Middle Eastern and East European locations and managed several multimillion dollar and multiagency programs focused on countering international terrorism, weapons proliferation, counterintelligence and cyber threats directed against the United States. Brian is currently an elected Board Member of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.




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