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Mr. Fujiyama joined the ManTech Board of Directors in September 2022.

Mr. Fujiyama is a Managing Director and Head of Global Aerospace and Government Services at The Carlyle Group. Since joining Carlyle in 1997, Mr. Fujiyama has led or been a key contributor to several Carlyle investments, including Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., ARINC Incorporated, United Components, Inc., Lear Siegler Services, Inc., EG&G Technical Services, Inc., CPI, Two Six Technologies, Inc., Novetta Solutions, LLC, StandardAero Holding Corp., KLDiscovery and Dynamic Precision Group, Inc. From 1999 to 2000, he worked in Hong Kong and Seoul in Carlyle’s Asia Buyout fund, Carlyle Asia Partners, where he was a founding member of the team and helped lead Carlyle’s investment in KorAm Bank, Carlyle’s first investment in the financial services industry.

Prior to joining Carlyle, Mr. Fujiyama was an Associate at Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corp, with a focus on high yield and merchant banking transactions.

Mr. Fujiyama serves as a director on the boards of Two Six Technologies, Inc., StandardAero Holding Corp., Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., KLDiscovery and Dynamic Precision Group, Inc.

Mr. Fujiyama received a Bachelor of Science in Economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a concentration in finance.

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