Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners (CIO-SP3)
CIO-SP3 is a multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) that allows federal civilian or Department of Defense (DoD) agencies to obtain a broad range of high-quality IT solutions and services in the United States and overseas. These IT services include health, health science, and biomedical-related IT services to meet scientific, health, administrative, operational, managerial, and information management requirements. The contract scope also includes general IT services, as healthcare systems are increasingly integrated within broader IT architectures and systems.
- Ten-year contract vehicle (one-year base period with nine one-year options) with a $20 billion contract ceiling
- Ten task areas aligned with the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), Department of Defense Enterprise Architecture (DODEA), and Federal Health Architecture (FHA)
- All contract types available (e.g., fixed price, cost reimbursement, labor hour, time and materials) including hybrids
- Streamlined, easy-to-use, online task-order procurement process
- No special “Delegation of Procurement Authority” is needed from NITAAC
- Available to all DoD and civilian federal agencies
- Low .65% contract access fee
- Awards can be made in as little as 30 days
NITAAC designed the CIO-SP3 contract for ease of use by both customers and contract holders:
- Customers submit their request for proposal (RFP) or request for information (RFI) to NITAAC for a comprehensive review of scope performed within 24 hours by a NITAAC contract specialist.
- When approved, the RFP (or RFI) is uploaded to the Electronic Government Ordering System (e-GOS) which automatically releases it to qualified contract holders.
- Contract holders submit their proposals (or RFIs and questions) through e-GOS and awards are subsequently made through the online system. E-GOS manages and tracks the entire task order process and can serve as an agency’s database of record.
- The NITAAC Customer Support Center is available to assist customers and contract holders throughout the acquisition process and also offers a variety of training sessions.
More information on the ordering process can be found on the NITAAC CIO-SP3 website.
Task Area 1: IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
- Health Sciences, Informatics, and Computational Services
- Health Communication Support Services and Enhancements to Facilitate Integration and Data Exchange at the Federal, State, and Local Level
- Integration of Health Systems Across Federal Agencies and Public and Private Healthcare Systems
- Modernization and Enhancement of Existing Health IT Legacy Systems
- Automation of Administrative and Clinical Processes
- Biomedical Information Services
- Biomedical Modeling, Visualization, and Simulation
- Biosurveillance and Disease Management Support
- Scientific Computing Services
- IT Clinical Support Services
- Telemedicine (e.g., mobile health/mHealth)
- Healthcare Payment Processes and Fraud and Abuse in Medical Claims
- Health Emergency Preparedness and Response to Include IT Support for Epidemic and Bio-Terrorism Simulations, Emergency Response Training, Exercise Support, etc.
- Security of Healthcare and Biomedical Research Systems
- IT Service Management
- Healthcare Systems Studies
- Natural Language Processing Software and Services (Biology/Medicine Focus)
- Medical Computer-based Training (CBT)
- Standards Development for Health IT Services
Task Area 2: Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
- IT Governance Process Development and Management
- Workforce Management
- Capital Planning and Investment Control Support
- Independent Verification and Validation
- Agency Information Technology Architecture Support
- IT Portfolio Analysis
- Risk Management
- Program Analyses and Implementation (including Business Cases Analysis, Cost/Benefit Analysis, and Cost Effectiveness Analyses)
- IT Organizational Development
- Program Management Office Support
- Advisory and Assistance Services
- FEA Alignment Support Services
- Market Research
Task Area 3: Imaging
- Document Management Systems
- Image Conversion
- Image Content Management
- Medical Imaging, including Picture Archiving and Communication Systems
- Document Imaging
- Workflow Management for Digital Imaging Functions
- Geospatial and Scientific Imaging
- Environmental Imaging
- Image Analysis
- 3D Immersive Visualization
- Imaging Related to Laboratory and Test Equipment
- Security Imaging
- Identity and Access Management
Task Area 4: Outsourcing
- Program Management
- Management of Call Centers
- Network Operations and Web Management Support
- Leasing of Hardware and Software
- Tools and Applications (including Application Service Provider)
- Hardware/Software Maintenance
- Transition Planning
- A-76 Studies Specific to IT Operations or Support
- Database Administration and Data Storage Management
- Backup and Recovery Services System Console Operations
- Production Control and Management
- Asset Management (including Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] Tracking)
- IT Acquisition Management
- Desktop Computing as a Unified Service
- Managed IT Services Support
- IT Impact Analyses
- Workflow Management
- Implementation of Standards (e.g., International Organization for Standardization [ISO] 9000, Capability Maturity Model Integration [CMMI], IT Services Management)
- Solution Leasing
- Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
- Cloud Computing
Task Area 5: IT Operations and Maintenance
- Operational Support
- Software Maintenance and Upgrades
- Telecommunications Maintenance (Data, Voice, Images, including Wireless)
- Infrastructure Management Services (IMS)
- Configuration Management
- Network/Hardware Support
- Help Desk/IT Support
- Resource Management
- Backup and Recovery Management
- Installation, Configuration, and Tuning
- Electronic Software Licensing Services including license deployment, management, tracking, upgrading, etc.
- System Management
- IT Training
- IT Operation and Maintenance Planning
- Data Quality Management
- Transformation Services
- Continual Service Improvement
- Balanced Scorecard for Operations
- IT Infrastructure Optimization
Task Area 6: Integration Services
- Infrastructure Engineering, Development, Implementation, Integration
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Gap Analysis and Benchmarking
- Data Migration and Integration
- Acquisition Support
- Risk Assessment
- Open Source Integration
- Enterprise Data Management
- Collaboration Tools
- Business Process Reengineering
- Test and Evaluation Services
- Financial Analysis
- Feasibility Studies
- Requirements Analysis
- System Design Alternative (SDA) Studies
- Systems Engineering
- Architecture Validation and Verification
Task Area 7: Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
- Cyber Security
- Critical Infrastructure Asset Identification and Configuration Management Databases
- Information Assurance of Critical Infrastructure
- Risk Management (Vulnerability Assessment and Threat Identification)
- Facility Protection Planning
- Information Systems Security
- Security Operations Center Development and Operations Management
- Application Security
- Disaster Recovery
- Critical Infrastructure Continuity and Contingency Planning
- Incident Response Planning and Execution
- Security Certification and Accreditation
- Training and Awareness Programs
- Exercises and Simulation
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Implementation Support
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Implementation Support
- Cryptographic Support and Services
- Record Management
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Trusted Internet Connections implementation
- Security Review and Analysis of Automated Information Systems
- Identity Management and Assurance
- Intelligent, Automated Data Collection and Analysis
- IT Forensics and eDiscovery
Task Area 8: Digital Government
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- Business Intelligence
- Web Development and Support
- Electronic Commerce and Electronic Data Interchange
- Customer Relationship Management
- Knowledge Management (IT-based sharing/storing of agency individuals’ knowledge)
- IT –Enhanced Public Relations
- IT Strategic Planning
- Records/Document Management
- Business-to-Government (B2G) Solutions
- Communications Management
- Accessibility Services (508 and 504 compliance)
- Automated Abstraction, Taxonomies, and Ontologies
- Deep Web and Federated Searching
- Computational linguistics and Machine-based Translation
- Telecommuting Support Services
- Interactive Marketing
Task Area 9: Enterprise Resource Planning
- ERP Package Implementation
- Integration of Business Systems
- Business Consulting Services
- Business Transformation and Business Process Reengineering
- Business Systems Modernization
- IT Software Package Selection
- ERP IT Infrastructure
- ERP Infrastructure Planning, Installation, and Tuning
- Performance Load Testing
- ERP End User Training
Task Area 10: Software Development
- Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, and Testing
- Production Deployment
- Application Prototyping
- Multimedia Software for Patient/Staff Education
- Program Evaluation Software
- Administrative and General Decision Support Software
- Business Intelligence and Analytics
- GIS-Enhanced Planning and Program Evaluation Software
- Web 2.0 Development and Management
- Database Development and Management
- Clinical Protocol and Quality Assurance Decision Support Software
Contract Number: HHSN316201200022W
DUNS Number: ManTech Advanced Systems International, Inc. – 139627525
Payment Terms: Net 30 Days
Chip Taylor
Program Manager, PMO
2250 Corporate Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703-999-6582
Email: Chip.Taylor@ManTech.com
Jeromy Block
Contracts Manager
2251 Corporate Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703-218-6440
Email: jeromy.block@mantech.com
Amy Dawson
Small Business Liaison Officer
2251 Corporate Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: (571) 446-9496
E-mail: Amy.Dawson@ManTech.com
- Ten-year contract vehicle (one-year base period with nine one-year options) with a $20 billion contract ceiling
- Ten task areas aligned with the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), Department of Defense Enterprise Architecture (DODEA), and Federal Health Architecture (FHA)
- All contract types available (e.g., fixed price, cost reimbursement, labor hour, time and materials) including hybrids
- Streamlined, easy-to-use, online task-order procurement process
- No special “Delegation of Procurement Authority” is needed from NITAAC
- Available to all DoD and civilian federal agencies
- Low .65% contract access fee
- Awards can be made in as little as 30 days
NITAAC designed the CIO-SP3 contract for ease of use by both customers and contract holders:
- Customers submit their request for proposal (RFP) or request for information (RFI) to NITAAC for a comprehensive review of scope performed within 24 hours by a NITAAC contract specialist.
- When approved, the RFP (or RFI) is uploaded to the Electronic Government Ordering System (e-GOS) which automatically releases it to qualified contract holders.
- Contract holders submit their proposals (or RFIs and questions) through e-GOS and awards are subsequently made through the online system. E-GOS manages and tracks the entire task order process and can serve as an agency’s database of record.
- The NITAAC Customer Support Center is available to assist customers and contract holders throughout the acquisition process and also offers a variety of training sessions.
More information on the ordering process can be found on the NITAAC CIO-SP3 website.
Task Area 1: IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
- Health Sciences, Informatics, and Computational Services
- Health Communication Support Services and Enhancements to Facilitate Integration and Data Exchange at the Federal, State, and Local Level
- Integration of Health Systems Across Federal Agencies and Public and Private Healthcare Systems
- Modernization and Enhancement of Existing Health IT Legacy Systems
- Automation of Administrative and Clinical Processes
- Biomedical Information Services
- Biomedical Modeling, Visualization, and Simulation
- Biosurveillance and Disease Management Support
- Scientific Computing Services
- IT Clinical Support Services
- Telemedicine (e.g., mobile health/mHealth)
- Healthcare Payment Processes and Fraud and Abuse in Medical Claims
- Health Emergency Preparedness and Response to Include IT Support for Epidemic and Bio-Terrorism Simulations, Emergency Response Training, Exercise Support, etc.
- Security of Healthcare and Biomedical Research Systems
- IT Service Management
- Healthcare Systems Studies
- Natural Language Processing Software and Services (Biology/Medicine Focus)
- Medical Computer-based Training (CBT)
- Standards Development for Health IT Services
Task Area 2: Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
- IT Governance Process Development and Management
- Workforce Management
- Capital Planning and Investment Control Support
- Independent Verification and Validation
- Agency Information Technology Architecture Support
- IT Portfolio Analysis
- Risk Management
- Program Analyses and Implementation (including Business Cases Analysis, Cost/Benefit Analysis, and Cost Effectiveness Analyses)
- IT Organizational Development
- Program Management Office Support
- Advisory and Assistance Services
- FEA Alignment Support Services
- Market Research
Task Area 3: Imaging
- Document Management Systems
- Image Conversion
- Image Content Management
- Medical Imaging, including Picture Archiving and Communication Systems
- Document Imaging
- Workflow Management for Digital Imaging Functions
- Geospatial and Scientific Imaging
- Environmental Imaging
- Image Analysis
- 3D Immersive Visualization
- Imaging Related to Laboratory and Test Equipment
- Security Imaging
- Identity and Access Management
Task Area 4: Outsourcing
- Program Management
- Management of Call Centers
- Network Operations and Web Management Support
- Leasing of Hardware and Software
- Tools and Applications (including Application Service Provider)
- Hardware/Software Maintenance
- Transition Planning
- A-76 Studies Specific to IT Operations or Support
- Database Administration and Data Storage Management
- Backup and Recovery Services System Console Operations
- Production Control and Management
- Asset Management (including Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] Tracking)
- IT Acquisition Management
- Desktop Computing as a Unified Service
- Managed IT Services Support
- IT Impact Analyses
- Workflow Management
- Implementation of Standards (e.g., International Organization for Standardization [ISO] 9000, Capability Maturity Model Integration [CMMI], IT Services Management)
- Solution Leasing
- Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
- Cloud Computing
Task Area 5: IT Operations and Maintenance
- Operational Support
- Software Maintenance and Upgrades
- Telecommunications Maintenance (Data, Voice, Images, including Wireless)
- Infrastructure Management Services (IMS)
- Configuration Management
- Network/Hardware Support
- Help Desk/IT Support
- Resource Management
- Backup and Recovery Management
- Installation, Configuration, and Tuning
- Electronic Software Licensing Services including license deployment, management, tracking, upgrading, etc.
- System Management
- IT Training
- IT Operation and Maintenance Planning
- Data Quality Management
- Transformation Services
- Continual Service Improvement
- Balanced Scorecard for Operations
- IT Infrastructure Optimization
Task Area 6: Integration Services
- Infrastructure Engineering, Development, Implementation, Integration
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Gap Analysis and Benchmarking
- Data Migration and Integration
- Acquisition Support
- Risk Assessment
- Open Source Integration
- Enterprise Data Management
- Collaboration Tools
- Business Process Reengineering
- Test and Evaluation Services
- Financial Analysis
- Feasibility Studies
- Requirements Analysis
- System Design Alternative (SDA) Studies
- Systems Engineering
- Architecture Validation and Verification
Task Area 7: Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
- Cyber Security
- Critical Infrastructure Asset Identification and Configuration Management Databases
- Information Assurance of Critical Infrastructure
- Risk Management (Vulnerability Assessment and Threat Identification)
- Facility Protection Planning
- Information Systems Security
- Security Operations Center Development and Operations Management
- Application Security
- Disaster Recovery
- Critical Infrastructure Continuity and Contingency Planning
- Incident Response Planning and Execution
- Security Certification and Accreditation
- Training and Awareness Programs
- Exercises and Simulation
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Implementation Support
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Implementation Support
- Cryptographic Support and Services
- Record Management
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Trusted Internet Connections implementation
- Security Review and Analysis of Automated Information Systems
- Identity Management and Assurance
- Intelligent, Automated Data Collection and Analysis
- IT Forensics and eDiscovery
Task Area 8: Digital Government
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- Business Intelligence
- Web Development and Support
- Electronic Commerce and Electronic Data Interchange
- Customer Relationship Management
- Knowledge Management (IT-based sharing/storing of agency individuals’ knowledge)
- IT –Enhanced Public Relations
- IT Strategic Planning
- Records/Document Management
- Business-to-Government (B2G) Solutions
- Communications Management
- Accessibility Services (508 and 504 compliance)
- Automated Abstraction, Taxonomies, and Ontologies
- Deep Web and Federated Searching
- Computational linguistics and Machine-based Translation
- Telecommuting Support Services
- Interactive Marketing
Task Area 9: Enterprise Resource Planning
- ERP Package Implementation
- Integration of Business Systems
- Business Consulting Services
- Business Transformation and Business Process Reengineering
- Business Systems Modernization
- IT Software Package Selection
- ERP IT Infrastructure
- ERP Infrastructure Planning, Installation, and Tuning
- Performance Load Testing
- ERP End User Training
Task Area 10: Software Development
- Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, and Testing
- Production Deployment
- Application Prototyping
- Multimedia Software for Patient/Staff Education
- Program Evaluation Software
- Administrative and General Decision Support Software
- Business Intelligence and Analytics
- GIS-Enhanced Planning and Program Evaluation Software
- Web 2.0 Development and Management
- Database Development and Management
- Clinical Protocol and Quality Assurance Decision Support Software
Contract Number: HHSN316201200022W
DUNS Number: ManTech Advanced Systems International, Inc. – 139627525
Payment Terms: Net 30 Days
Chip Taylor
Program Manager, PMO
2250 Corporate Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703-999-6582
Email: Chip.Taylor@ManTech.com
Jeromy Block
Contracts Manager
2251 Corporate Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 703-218-6440
Email: jeromy.block@mantech.com
Amy Dawson
Small Business Liaison Officer
2251 Corporate Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: (571) 446-9496
E-mail: Amy.Dawson@ManTech.com

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Section 508
As the premier provider of IT and EIT services to the Federal Government, ManTech is committed to assisting federal agencies and their clients to properly interpret and implement the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 508"). To that end, ManTech is ready to provide our customers with advisory assistance at any time during the EIT procurement life cycle – from performing Section 508 requirements analyses or market surveys to providing compliant goods or services needed by our customers to meet their mission requirements. Additionally, when providing goods and services covered by Section 508, ManTech informs its customers about Section 508 compliance so that they may make informed procurement decisions and satisfy the requirements of the Act. Section 508 compliance information may include completed compliance matrices in the form set forth at http://www.section508.gov or other information made available by our third party EIT product suppliers and manufacturers.