Department of Defense Information Analysis Centers (DOD IAC)
The DoD IAC is a multiple award contract (MAC) vehicle that allows for competition at the task order level. Each task will identify the basic or core activities necessary to fulfill the mission and objectives of the DoD and great S&T communities’ needs. These activities focus on the collection, analysis, synthesizing/processing and dissemination of scientific and technical information (STI).
DoD IAC is a 9 year, $28B IDIQ MAC with a scope that includes a broad range of support services including:
- Operational RDT&E services and other R&D-related analytical services
- Provides advanced research and analysis to the DoD Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Acquisition communities
- Broad technical domain Technical Focus Areas
- Level of research and analysis is above and beyond a BCO Core Analysis Task Order
DoD IAC is a 9 year, $28B IDIQ MAC with a scope that includes a broad range of support services including:
- Operational RDT&E services and other R&D-related analytical services
- Provides advanced research and analysis to the DoD Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Acquisition communities
- Broad technical domain Technical Focus Areas
- Level of research and analysis is above and beyond a BCO Core Analysis Task Order
Additional information COR and contracting officer information may be found on the IAC website
The DoD IAC’s services span across 22 Technical Focus Areas, each critical to the needs of the Department and mapped to one of the three corresponding primary domain areas: Defense Systems, Cyber-Security and Information Systems, and Homeland Defense and Security.
Technical Focus Areas include:
- SW Data & Analysis
- Knowledge Management & Info Sharing
- Modeling and Simulation
- Cultural Studies
- Weapons Systems
- Homeland Defense & Security
- Cyber Security
- Autonomous Systems
- Non-Lethal Weapons
- Advanced Materials
- Survivability and Vulnerability
- Directed Energy
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Energetics
- Biometrics
- Medial
- Military Sensing
- Alternative Energy
Terry Hobson
Program Manager
Phone: (703) 268-6830
E-mail: terrance.hobson@mantech.com
Robin Leightner
Phone: (703) 445-3819
E-mail: robin.leightner@mantech.com
DoD IAC is a 9 year, $28B IDIQ MAC with a scope that includes a broad range of support services including:
- Operational RDT&E services and other R&D-related analytical services
- Provides advanced research and analysis to the DoD Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Acquisition communities
- Broad technical domain Technical Focus Areas
- Level of research and analysis is above and beyond a BCO Core Analysis Task Order
Additional information COR and contracting officer information may be found on the IAC website
The DoD IAC’s services span across 22 Technical Focus Areas, each critical to the needs of the Department and mapped to one of the three corresponding primary domain areas: Defense Systems, Cyber-Security and Information Systems, and Homeland Defense and Security.
Technical Focus Areas include:
- SW Data & Analysis
- Knowledge Management & Info Sharing
- Modeling and Simulation
- Cultural Studies
- Weapons Systems
- Homeland Defense & Security
- Cyber Security
- Autonomous Systems
- Non-Lethal Weapons
- Advanced Materials
- Survivability and Vulnerability
- Directed Energy
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Energetics
- Biometrics
- Medial
- Military Sensing
- Alternative Energy
Terry Hobson
Program Manager
Phone: (703) 268-6830
E-mail: terrance.hobson@mantech.com
Robin Leightner
Phone: (703) 445-3819
E-mail: robin.leightner@mantech.com

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As the premier provider of IT and EIT services to the Federal Government, ManTech is committed to assisting federal agencies and their clients to properly interpret and implement the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 508"). To that end, ManTech is ready to provide our customers with advisory assistance at any time during the EIT procurement life cycle – from performing Section 508 requirements analyses or market surveys to providing compliant goods or services needed by our customers to meet their mission requirements. Additionally, when providing goods and services covered by Section 508, ManTech informs its customers about Section 508 compliance so that they may make informed procurement decisions and satisfy the requirements of the Act. Section 508 compliance information may include completed compliance matrices in the form set forth at http://www.section508.gov or other information made available by our third party EIT product suppliers and manufacturers.