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One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+)


One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) is a suite of governmentwide, multi-award contracts designed to support federal agencies’ procurement requirements for services-based solutions. This suite of services contracts is available for use by agencies throughout the Federal Government who hold a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA).

Under the OASIS+ program, this suite of contracts combines the scope of legacy OASIS, Building Maintenance; Operations (BMO), and Human Capital & Training Solutions (HCaTS), along with new areas of service that were previously not in scope. It expands the range of service offerings for buyers and gives sellers a greater variety of areas they can compete for. GSA is responsible for the award, administration, and management of the OASIS+ IDIQ contracts; there will always be a Requiring Activity (agency requesting services) and an Ordering Contracting Officer (OCO) (person who performs the acquisition).

OASIS+ will enable federal customers to acquire innovative solutions from highly qualified businesses on a contract vehicle designed to be Best-in-Class (BIC): a governmentwide designation that satisfies key criteria defined by the Office of Management and Budget which allows sellers to offer an expanded variety of services.

Functionality and features of awarded products and services, including access to data and information system privileges;

  • The ability of a source to produce and deliver products and services as expected;
    • Foreign control of, or influence over, a source, product or service (e.g., foreign ownership, personal and professional ties between a source and any foreign entity, legal regime of any foreign country in which a source is headquartered or conducts operations);
    • Security, authenticity, and integrity of products and services and their supply and compilation chains;
    • The Contractor’s capacity to mitigate identified risks;
    • Any other considerations that would factor into an analysis of the security, integrity, resilience, quality, trustworthiness, or authenticity of products, services or sources.

The One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) Multi-Agency Contract (MAC) spans a large number of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and NAICS code exceptions under the economic, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services:

  • Potential 15-year contract (5-year base period with one 5-year option and an additional 5
    years of task order performance when applicable)

    • Period of Performance: 12/17/2024 – 12/5/2029 (Base) and 12/6/2029 –
      12/5/2034 (Option)
  • No ceiling
  • Supports CONUS and OCONUS
  • All task order contract types (e.g., fixed price, cost reimbursement, incentive, time and materials, labor hours, or hybrid)
  • Ancillary support, integral and necessary as part of a total professional service solution for which there is not a labor category specified in OASIS+, is allowable
  • ODCs including travel, materials, equipment, and subcontractors are allowable to obtain a total professional service solution
  • Aggressive small business subcontract goals comes from 50% of subcontracted dollars
  • Pre-competed, easy-to-use contract with streamlined ordering procedures based on FAR 16.505
  • Complimentary scope and compatibility review
  • OASIS+ has a set CAF rate for all customers at 0.15% against all costs, including ODCs, on each invoice.

The General Services Administration (GSA) designed the OASIS+ contract for easy use and has provided two flexible options for placing task orders:

  • If your organization has its own contracting officer, you can use the OASIS+ Direct Order/Direct Bill feature. Contracting Officers who do not have an OASIS+ delegation of authority issued by GSA can obtain one through a simple procedure managed by the GSA OASIS+ Program Office. Visit GSA’s OASIS+ Delegation of Procurement Authority website.
  • GSA’s Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS) can help you navigate all or part of the OASIS+ task-order process, from procurement through performance and closeout. Access the Assisted Acquisition website to learn more. For additional information, refer to “OASIS+ Buyer’s guide”.

OASIS+ is a Government-wide, multiple award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) acquisition program for services. The program is designed to address agencies’ need for a full range of service requirements that integrate multiple service disciplines and ancillary services/products with the flexibility for commercial and non-commercial requirements, all contract types and pricing determined at the task order level to achieve a total solution.

Domains: OASIS+ is organized by performance areas or “Domains,” each aligned to multiple NAICS codes:

  • Management and Advisory: Management & consulting services that can improve a federal agency’s performance
  • Technical & Engineering: Specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills
  • Research & Development: Any requirements in support of R&D activities
  • Intelligence Services: Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance mission requirements
  • Enterprise Solutions: Highly technical, new & emerging &/or specialized mission
  • Logistics: Comprehensive logistics solution

ManTech holds six Domains and can compete across them all.

CAGE Code:  5N741


Contract Number: 47QRCA25DU223

Key Certifications and Credentials:

  • ManTech is CMMI Level 3, ISO 9001:208, and AS9100C certified
  • ManTech holds both DCMA-approved purchasing and estimating systems
  • ManTech has numerous cleared facilities and personnel

Charlie Caldwell
Program Manager
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (703) 509-9920


Jeromy Block
Contracts Manager
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (703) 218-6440


Amy Dawson
Small Business Liaison Officer
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (571) 446-9496


Josh Forrest
Business Analyst
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (704) 890-9081


Functionality and features of awarded products and services, including access to data and information system privileges;

  • The ability of a source to produce and deliver products and services as expected;
    • Foreign control of, or influence over, a source, product or service (e.g., foreign ownership, personal and professional ties between a source and any foreign entity, legal regime of any foreign country in which a source is headquartered or conducts operations);
    • Security, authenticity, and integrity of products and services and their supply and compilation chains;
    • The Contractor’s capacity to mitigate identified risks;
    • Any other considerations that would factor into an analysis of the security, integrity, resilience, quality, trustworthiness, or authenticity of products, services or sources.

The One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) Multi-Agency Contract (MAC) spans a large number of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and NAICS code exceptions under the economic, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services:

  • Potential 15-year contract (5-year base period with one 5-year option and an additional 5
    years of task order performance when applicable)

    • Period of Performance: 12/17/2024 – 12/5/2029 (Base) and 12/6/2029 –
      12/5/2034 (Option)
  • No ceiling
  • Supports CONUS and OCONUS
  • All task order contract types (e.g., fixed price, cost reimbursement, incentive, time and materials, labor hours, or hybrid)
  • Ancillary support, integral and necessary as part of a total professional service solution for which there is not a labor category specified in OASIS+, is allowable
  • ODCs including travel, materials, equipment, and subcontractors are allowable to obtain a total professional service solution
  • Aggressive small business subcontract goals comes from 50% of subcontracted dollars
  • Pre-competed, easy-to-use contract with streamlined ordering procedures based on FAR 16.505
  • Complimentary scope and compatibility review
  • OASIS+ has a set CAF rate for all customers at 0.15% against all costs, including ODCs, on each invoice.

The General Services Administration (GSA) designed the OASIS+ contract for easy use and has provided two flexible options for placing task orders:

  • If your organization has its own contracting officer, you can use the OASIS+ Direct Order/Direct Bill feature. Contracting Officers who do not have an OASIS+ delegation of authority issued by GSA can obtain one through a simple procedure managed by the GSA OASIS+ Program Office. Visit GSA’s OASIS+ Delegation of Procurement Authority website.
  • GSA’s Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS) can help you navigate all or part of the OASIS+ task-order process, from procurement through performance and closeout. Access the Assisted Acquisition website to learn more. For additional information, refer to “OASIS+ Buyer’s guide”.

OASIS+ is a Government-wide, multiple award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) acquisition program for services. The program is designed to address agencies’ need for a full range of service requirements that integrate multiple service disciplines and ancillary services/products with the flexibility for commercial and non-commercial requirements, all contract types and pricing determined at the task order level to achieve a total solution.

Domains: OASIS+ is organized by performance areas or “Domains,” each aligned to multiple NAICS codes:

  • Management and Advisory: Management & consulting services that can improve a federal agency’s performance
  • Technical & Engineering: Specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills
  • Research & Development: Any requirements in support of R&D activities
  • Intelligence Services: Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance mission requirements
  • Enterprise Solutions: Highly technical, new & emerging &/or specialized mission
  • Logistics: Comprehensive logistics solution

ManTech holds six Domains and can compete across them all.

CAGE Code:  5N741


Contract Number: 47QRCA25DU223

Key Certifications and Credentials:

  • ManTech is CMMI Level 3, ISO 9001:208, and AS9100C certified
  • ManTech holds both DCMA-approved purchasing and estimating systems
  • ManTech has numerous cleared facilities and personnel

Charlie Caldwell
Program Manager
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (703) 509-9920


Jeromy Block
Contracts Manager
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (703) 218-6440


Amy Dawson
Small Business Liaison Officer
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (571) 446-9496


Josh Forrest
Business Analyst
2251 Corporate Park Drive

Phone: (704) 890-9081


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OASIS+ Contract
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Section 508

​​As the premier provider of IT and EIT services to the Federal Government, ManTech is committed to assisting federal agencies and their clients to properly interpret and implement the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of  1973 ("Section 508").  To that end, ManTech is ready to provide our customers with advisory assistance at any time during the EIT procurement life cycle – from performing Section 508 requirements analyses or market surveys to providing compliant goods or services needed by our customers to meet their mission requirements.  Additionally, when providing goods and services covered by Section 508, ManTech informs its customers about Section 508 compliance so that they may make informed procurement decisions and satisfy the requirements of the Act.  Section 508 compliance information may include completed compliance matrices in the form set forth at or other information made available by our third party EIT product suppliers and manufacturers.