We work with suppliers who share our commitment to integrity. These relationships are deeply valued and enable us to meet essential time, quality and cost standards for our clients.
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Please ensure your contracts leadership are made aware of the following:
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is coming!
To comply with the DOD Cybersecurity requirements, the DOD will be implementing the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) in the coming months. This certification will be required for all subcontractors doing business with the DOD. In order to obtain the CMMC certification, independent / Government approved auditors will be established to review and certify the cybersecurity frameworks which are currently in place within your business structure. The auditor(s) will certify to the CMMC requirements and provide an overall system rating level between 1-5 (Level 1 for Basic Cyber Hygiene to Level 5 for Advanced/Progressive). The level of certification received will determine the type of DOD contract(s) that can be bid upon.
Interim Rule announced Implementing Procurement Ban on certain Telecommunications Equipment:
On 08/13/19 the FAR Council published an interim rule, FAR Subpart 4.21 which implements a ban on US Government procurement of any equipment, system or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services from specific companies: FAR 52.204-24, Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment and 52.204-25, Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. Please ensure your company is monitoring these changes and the subsequent impacts to your business. Accordingly, ManTech is in the process of obtaining the applicable Representation and Certification ensuring that covered equipment and services are not procured in support of our government programs. In addition to first-tier subcontractors/suppliers, this Procurement Ban and Representation/Certification requirement flows down through all lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers.
Suppliers are now required to comply with the EEOC’s Component 2 EEO-1 Electronic Filing Requirement.
Component 2 EEO-1 reporting is an electronic, online application. The EEOC requires that EEO-1 reports be submitted via the Component 2 EEO-1 Online Filing System, or as an electronically transmitted data file.
Any employer who claims that the electronic submission of Standard Form 100 would create undue hardship may apply to the Commission for a special reporting procedure in accordance with the instructions set forth in Instruction 5.
All federal contractors who 1) are not exempt as provided for by 41 CFR 60-1.5; 2) have 100 or more employees; 3) are prime contractors or first-tier subcontractors; and 4) have a contract, subcontract, or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more; or serve as depositories of Government funds in any amount; or are financial institutions which are issuing and paying agents for U.S. Savings Bonds and or savings notes are required to file.
Establishments located in the District of Columbia and the 50 states are required to submit Standard Form 100. No reports should be filed for establishments in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or other American Protectorates. Under Section 209(a) of Executive Order 11246, the penalties for failure by a federal contractor or subcontractor to comply may include termination of the federal government contract and disbarment from future federal contracts.
Please ensure your contracts leadership are made aware of the following:
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is coming!
To comply with the DOD Cybersecurity requirements, the DOD will be implementing the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) in the coming months. This certification will be required for all subcontractors doing business with the DOD. In order to obtain the CMMC certification, independent / Government approved auditors will be established to review and certify the cybersecurity frameworks which are currently in place within your business structure. The auditor(s) will certify to the CMMC requirements and provide an overall system rating level between 1-5 (Level 1 for Basic Cyber Hygiene to Level 5 for Advanced/Progressive). The level of certification received will determine the type of DOD contract(s) that can be bid upon.
Interim Rule announced Implementing Procurement Ban on certain Telecommunications Equipment:
On 08/13/19 the FAR Council published an interim rule, FAR Subpart 4.21 which implements a ban on US Government procurement of any equipment, system or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services from specific companies: FAR 52.204-24, Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment and 52.204-25, Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. Please ensure your company is monitoring these changes and the subsequent impacts to your business. Accordingly, ManTech is in the process of obtaining the applicable Representation and Certification ensuring that covered equipment and services are not procured in support of our government programs. In addition to first-tier subcontractors/suppliers, this Procurement Ban and Representation/Certification requirement flows down through all lower-tier subcontractors/suppliers.
Suppliers are now required to comply with the EEOC’s Component 2 EEO-1 Electronic Filing Requirement.
Component 2 EEO-1 reporting is an electronic, online application. The EEOC requires that EEO-1 reports be submitted via the Component 2 EEO-1 Online Filing System, or as an electronically transmitted data file.
Any employer who claims that the electronic submission of Standard Form 100 would create undue hardship may apply to the Commission for a special reporting procedure in accordance with the instructions set forth in Instruction 5.
All federal contractors who 1) are not exempt as provided for by 41 CFR 60-1.5; 2) have 100 or more employees; 3) are prime contractors or first-tier subcontractors; and 4) have a contract, subcontract, or purchase order amounting to $50,000 or more; or serve as depositories of Government funds in any amount; or are financial institutions which are issuing and paying agents for U.S. Savings Bonds and or savings notes are required to file.
Establishments located in the District of Columbia and the 50 states are required to submit Standard Form 100. No reports should be filed for establishments in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or other American Protectorates. Under Section 209(a) of Executive Order 11246, the penalties for failure by a federal contractor or subcontractor to comply may include termination of the federal government contract and disbarment from future federal contracts.